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What We Offer

Initial Assessment & Routine Treatment

This treatment includes an extensive consultation, diagnosis and treatment addressing all aspects of foot health. A vascular and neurological assessment will be carried out and a treatment plan will be discussed and agreed.

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Routine Treatment

Following your initial assessment and treatment appointment, future routine podiatry and chiropody appointments include helping with painful hard skin, corns, thick or ingrown toenails, dry or cracked heels. Your toenails will be cut, dealing with any problems in the process. All of your painful, unsightly hard skin and corns will be removed, followed by a basic relaxing foot massage.

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Medical Pedicure

Completed by a HCPC registered podiatrist/chiropodist, this treatment includes an extensive consultation, diagnosis and treatment addressing all aspects of foot health. To ensure long lasting results, this treatment is performed on a dry foot and will leave you feeling like you're walking on a cloud. Our medical pedicure is the perfect way to treat yourself, whilst promoting foot health.

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Nail Reconstruction

Toenail reconstruction is a simple and painless process which enhances damaged or discoloured toenails, improving the overall appearance of your feet.

If you have suffered trauma to one or more of your toenails, or have cracked or unsightly nails from a fungal infection or other medical condition, toenail reconstruction could be the perfect solution for you.

It is a flexible and elastic UVA resin, which sets when exposed to UV light to become hardened. The resin has the ability to bond to a surface, add strength, and harden. Once applied and cured, the reconstructed nail looks like a real nail. The process is very safe with no additional damage or strain to the affected nail bed.

An initial assessment is necessary before undergoing nail reconstruction, to ensure the treatment is suitable. If it is, during this appointment the nail plate will be prepared for treatment, which will be booked and completed on another date.

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Verrutop Verruca Treatment

Verrutop is a topical solution for professional use providing painless treatment of difficult verrucae that is highly effective in just a few applications.

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Lacuna Fungal Nail Treatment

Several tiny holes are drilled into the nail plate to the nail bed. The number of holes depends on the extent of the infection and also the size of the nail being treated. Once the holes are completed an anti-fungal solution/lacquer is applied over the nail. The holes allow the treatment to reach the source of the infection. The anti-fungal treatment is then applied at home until the infection is clear.

A review is recommended every 6 weeks as more holes may need to be drilled as the nail grows forward.

Any fungal infection of the skin also needs treating to avoid reinfection.

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Nail Surgery

The procedure involves an injection of local anaesthetic into each side of the base of the toe so it is numb and pain free during the procedure.
A narrow strip of nail will be removed from one or both sides of the affected nail. Alternatively, depending on the complaint, the whole nail can be removed.
The exposed part of the nail bed will be treated with a chemical called phenol. This chemical destroys the nail bed and prevents recurrence of the problem in most cases.
Following the procedure you will be left with a narrower piece of nail, or if having the whole nail removed when healed there will be no nail, just the nail bed which may slightly thicken.

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Diabetic Foot Assessment

This assessment can be added on to any treatment.

People with diabetes may be at risk of developing foot problems. Therefore it is beneficial to see a podiatrist/chiropodist to be screened, at least annually, to detect the presence of nerve damage, reduced circulation and/or foot deformity. Annual reviews allow for the identification of, and monitoring of, any changes in an individual's foot risk status.

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What We Offer: Our Services
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